/ppc and online

/ppc and online

Drive traffic, win sales, and keep customers coming back with our unbeatable PPC and digital marketing services. Whether it’s through Google Ads or social media marketing, Arren Marketing will help you reach and convert new customers online.

“Don’t optimise for conversions, optimise for revenue.”

PPC or Pay Per Click is one of the most widely used online marketing tools and with paid advertisements having around a 200% ROI it’s easy to see why. Paid adverts can help you to reach new customers, put your products in front of shoppers, and send more traffic to your website.

How can we help you?

Our team of PPC experts can help you harness the power of paid advertising in the following areas:

Paid search – get found straight away when people search for your products or services. The fastest way to find your ideal customers and grow your business.

Shopping ads – We’ll optimise your catalogue and product feed to show your products when people are searching for them.

Remarketing – Don’t lose potential customers after they’ve left your site, our remarketing campaigns will help you reconnect with your website visitors.

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin – we’ll develop highly targeted ad campaigns to reach your customers on the right social platforms.

Our approach
step by step

  1. Like all good marketing strategies, our PPC partnerships start with defining measurable goals. Great examples include more website traffic each month, more sales from your PPC catalogue, or more enquiries from your contact forms.
  2. Once we know what you want to achieve, we’ll spend time refining your target audience. Our audience research will look at your ideal customers search and shopping habits so we know how best to target them.
  3. Through rigorous testing we’ll optimise your PPC campaigns to get the best results possible. This includes finding the right channels, the best keywords, and an optimal target audience.
  4. Once we’ve got the technical details sorted its time to get creative. Our marketing experts will craft clever copy and imagery designed to give your pay per click adverts every chance of success.
  5. As your PPC campaigns are running, we’ll analyse and adjust them as necessary to get the best results from your budget.


  1. When using Google ads your PPC ads will be shown in search results and other partner sites that are part of Google’s Adsense program.

    Bing ads will show in the search results on Bing, Yahoo, MSN, and other properties owned by Yahoo and Microsoft.
  2. When we create your PPC campaigns we’ll target a carefully selected audience based on location, keywords, and search history.
  3. When we create your PPC strategy we’ll ask you to give us a budget. In some cases the budget may need to be increased to compete for the right keywords, but we will advise you of this before we begin working on your campaigns.

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Put us to the test today and sign up for your free digital audit. We’ll show you what we can do!