

A picture speaks a thousand words and your website imagery speaks volumes. When space is at a premium and every design choice counts, why scrimp on the area that grabs attention the most?

“You don’t take a photograph. You ask quietly to borrow it.”

The images you use on your website and in your marketing materials have a huge impact on your audience. That’s why it pays to use the professionals. Focusing on the finer details of your business demonstrates quality and offers a personalised insight into your business. In fact, 75% of shoppers rely on product photos when deciding on a potential purchase, and 22% of returns occur when the product looks different from the website pictures.

Did you know that using impactful images on your website can also boost your search results and social media reach? Good quality images can be optimised to appear for the right search terms and are shared more often on social media sites.

So, whether you want to promote your physical store, show off your stock, or encourage people to your event, our photography services will help you get the right message across.

How can we help you?

Our photographers have years of experience in photography of all styles. From portraits to product launches to live events, we guarantee the best shots for your business. We’ll help you to bring your brand, people and products to life with our industry-insider knowledge and tips.

Our business photography services include headshots and corporate portraits, product photography, events photography such as award ceremonies, exhibitions, and conferences, and much more. Whatever the event, detail, or experience we’ll capture it.

Our approach
step by step

  1. Our photographers will sit down with you to map out exactly what you want from your photographs. This includes the style, angles, and any editing choices after the shoot. We’ll work with you to understand how the photographs will be used within your business and make sure we deliver the right results.
  2. Once we’ve got an idea of what you want we’ll get to work developing moodboards for the photo shoot. This will refine the concepts mentioned above to make sure we’re all working from the same page.
  3. Then we’ll plan the shots we need to get from the shoot. A well prepared shotlist means we won’t miss anything and you’ll get every shot you need.
  4. Finding the right location for your photoshoot is vital. We’ll visit and/or identify a number of sites based on our moodboard and shotlist to find the perfect spots for your photographs.
  5. On the day of the shoot we’ll take care of everything, We’ll provide the equipment, the props and anything else needed to get your perfect photographs.
  6. Finally, we’ll get your pictures back to the studio for fine tuning and editing in our post production process. If you’ve requested any special effects, or logos we’ll add them during this stage.


  1. Each photoshoot is priced based on the nature of the shoot, the time it takes to capture and edit the photos, and the complexity of the shoot/ edits afterwards.
  2. Yes, for larger events or shoots that require more than one photographer we’ll make sure there are enough qualified professionals on hand.
  3. Yes, our professional photographers have years of experience and know all the tricks to capture your best side. When you work with us we’ll try hard to put you at ease.
  4. Of course, we have great relationships with several modeling agencies that we use for our photoshoots. Based on your shoot requirements and branding, we’ll book the right models for your business.
  5. Yes, we specialise in product photography and know how to create the perfect shots for your marketplace pages. When you work with us you won’t get left on the shelf - we understand the importance of accurate photography that showcases the features and benefits of the product.

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Put us to the test today and sign up for your free digital audit. We’ll show you what we can do!