

Drax Group is a British electrical power generation company. As part of their growth, they wanted to create a recruitment website to target potential employees for their IT department.

The objective for Drax was very simple – create an on-brand one page website that would help recruit staff for their IT function. As part of that process, we worked with Drax to create a design based on their brand guidelines and adapted them for what would look good on web.

Attracting talent through web

The website is also dynamic in the fact that vacancies can be added or removed by the client based on whether the vacancy is live or not. We worked with the internal team to incorporate their image bank in to the site as well as a video produced to showcase the business and what it’s about. Drax knew that a visually engaging website would be key to attract talent to their business and that’s what Arren Marketing delivered for them.

The client said

"The website is absolute quality. Sleek, cool and on brand. The team really hit it out the park on this one."

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