Bulls Street Burgers

Bulls Street Burgers

Bulls Street Burgers is a premium gourmet burger virtual brand. With the COVID-19 pandemic in mind, this business was looking to create and launch an online business that could supplement the existing brands that they had in food and drinks sector.

A dark kitchen comes alive

This business already had a website that was live, but wanted to take their online presence to the next level so approached Arren Marketing to help. With a logo already created, we were tasked to create a website that would accentuate their unique logo with a cool and modern design aesthetic.

Once the design was created, we developed the website in full. The website links through to the businesses Deliveroo channels for online ordering, allows the admin to add more branches as they grow their business and showcases their entire menu online.

The Client said

"Your team has done an incredible job. The website just looks so cool. We love the animations and the interactivity as much as we love the well thought out design and UI."

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